A CAGE Code, or Commercial and Government Entity Code, is a unique set of digits assigned to suppliers of government and defense agencies. Here on ASAP Semiconductor, we utilize CAGE Codes to identify the manufacturers we partner with, ensuring that the products we carry by them can be easily traced across our supply chain. On this page, you can peruse through an extensive list of CAGE Codes, and clicking on any particular one will direct you to a collection of parts that were produced under that particular CAGE Code. Take the time to explore the catalog below as you see fit, and you can always use our online search engine to quickly narrow down results if you already know what you require. As every item listed on our website is ready for purchase at any time, do not hesitate to kick off procurement through the submission of an RFQ form. Once we have a chance to receive and review your request, a member of our staff will contact you in 15 minutes or less to present a tailored solution for your comparisons.
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We hope that you will visit us again the next time you need board-level components, aviation and aerospace parts, and more. Allow us to serve as your strategic purchasing partner.
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