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Electronics Parts

Integrated circuits, commonly known as ICs, are fundamental components in modern electronics, serving as the building blocks for virtually all modern electronic devices. They typically come in the form of compact assemblies of electronic components like transistors, diodes, capacitors, and resistors, all integrated onto a single semiconductor substrate. The debut of integrated circuits has revolutionized the field of electronics, leading to the miniaturization and enhancement of electronic devices to make them more powerful, reliable, and cost-effective. Read more >>

Posted on June 19, 2024 Kyle Salem Electronics Parts

Resistors are prominent players within electronic components, their purpose being to regulate the flow of current. They come in diverse types, with ceramic resistors and thick film power resistors being two such variants that bring unique characteristics to the table. In this blog, we will present the differences between these resistor types, as understanding their distinct applications is crucial for engineers and enthusiasts alike. Read more >>

Posted on January 24, 2024 Kyle Salem Electronics Parts

When it comes to the world of electronics and electrical circuits, resistors play a pivotal role in controlling current flow and voltage levels. Among the various types of resistors available, one that frequently finds its way into circuits is the ceramic composition resistor. These tiny components may appear unassuming, but they are essential for the smooth and reliable operation of electronic devices. In this guide, we will explore the realm of ceramic composition resistors, discussing what they are, how they work, and where they fit into the grand scheme of electrical circuits. Read more >>

Posted on November 2, 2023 Kyle Salem Electronics Parts

In the world of electronics, transistors are fundamental components that enable the control and amplification of electrical signals. Two common types of transistors are Junction Field-Effect transistors (JFET) and Metal-Oxide-Semiconductor Field-Effect transistors (MOSFET), and while both are field-effect transistors, they possess distinct characteristics suited for different applications. In this blog, we will explore the differences between JFET and MOSFET transistors, in addition to their unique functionalities to help you determine what is best for your needs. Read more >>

Posted on July 12, 2023 Kyle Salem Electronics Parts

Semiconductors are substances with electrical properties that allow them to serve as a foundational element in computers and other electronic devices. As they are an ideal medium for controlling electrical current in various appliances, semiconductors typically consist of a solid element that can conduct electricity in some instances, but not in others. Read more >>

Posted on January 25, 2023 Kyle Salem Electronics Parts

Photonics is a branch of optics that consists of the generation, detection, and manipulation of light via emission, transmission, modulation, amplification, signal processing, switching, and sensing. Considered a sub-discipline of photonics, optoelectronics encompass a field of study and application of light-emitting or light-detecting devices. Today, optoelectronics is quickly becoming a fast emerging technology that includes applying electronic devices to source, detect, and control light. Read more >>

Posted on November 3, 2022 Kyle Salem Electronics Parts

A rheostat is a type of variable resistor that, when placed into an electrical circuit, can be utilized to adjust and control the quantity of current flowing around it. It achieves this by varying the resistance on the circuit, without interrupting the power supply. Rheostats are considered a common type of electromechanical variable resistor, meaning that they enable users to vary their ohmic resistance manually when necessary. Read more >>

Posted on September 16, 2022 Kyle Salem Electronics Parts

RF (Radio Frequency) connectors, also known as coax connectors, are used with coaxial cables to securely transmit radio frequencies from point-A to point-B. They are found in a wide range of applications including television receivers, two-way radios, Wi-Fi devices with antennas, and scientific measuring instruments. Knowing some basic information about the different types of RF connectors and their common uses can help you decide on the right RF connector for your custom cable assembly. In this article, we will discuss the various types of coax connectors and some important factors to consider. Read more >>

Posted on July 27, 2022 Kyle Salem Electronics Parts

An oscillator is a circuit that generates a continuous, repeated, and alternating waveform without any input. Essentially, oscillators convert unidirectional current flow from a direct current source into alternating current which is the desired frequency for a majority of operations. In this blog, we will outline oscillator circuits, their various types, and their differing applications. Read more >>

Posted on April 20, 2022 Kyle Salem Electronics Parts

Chip resistors are integrated circuit (IC) devices that oppose the flow of electrical current, and are primarily used to protect, operate, and control circuits. They find use in a vast array of applications, including automotive, transport, industrial, consumer electronics, and IT & telecommunication industries. In particular, the consumer electronic industry has seen a high demand for chip resistors as technological advancements have brought about a new era of electronic products. Read more >>

Posted on March 22, 2022 Kyle Salem Electronics Parts

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